Items must be in original condition, and all packaging materials, accessories and applicable tags must be returned in order to be eligible for a refund.
The following criteria must be met for a return:
Return window: The return must be requested within 30 calendar days of the delivery date.
Original condition: The item must be in original condition and cannot be used, altered, washed, marked, or damaged.
Original packaging: The item must be returned with all original packaging intact, which may include the shoe box, dust bag(s), brand tag(s) and authenticity card. All packaging cannot be altered, damaged, or removed.
SSENSE security tag: If an item was shipped with an SSENSE tag, it cannot be altered, damaged, or removed.
Final Sale items and shipping fees are not eligible for return/refund.
Face masks: In the interest of hygiene, face masks and face coverings are considered Final Sale.
Intimate apparel and swimwear: Lingerie, hosiery, underwear, swimsuits, and bikini bottoms cannot be worn and must be returned with the original hygienic protection sticker still intact to be eligible for a refund.
Self-care: All face, body, hair, and make-up items must be returned in original packaging. They cannot be used or altered and must remain sealed to be eligible for a refund.
Sexual wellness: Items must be returned in their original packaging. They cannot be used or altered and must remain sealed to be eligible for a refund. Due to health and safety reasons, all sexual wellness toys are Final Sale and cannot be returned.
Technology: Must be returned with their original manuals, accessories, and manufacturer packaging, and if the product arrived wrapper-sealed, it should be returned in its original sealed condition to be eligible for a refund.
Dangerous goods: Candles, fragrances, oils, pressurized canned products, and electronics containing batteries are considered Final Sale.
SSENSE reserves the right to reject any returning products that do not comply with the above stated Return Policy. Rejected items will be sent back to the original shipping address without any refund being processed. In order to avoid this, please contact our Customer Care team to address any issues or concerns you have regarding the item(s) you wish to return.
SSENSE does not offer direct exchanges. We ask that you return the merchandise for a full refund and place a new order for the preferred item(s).
Damaged/Defective Goods
If you believe an item is defective or damaged, please contact Customer Care.
All products purchased from SSENSE, including apparel, accessories, electronics, sports gear, home goods, beauty, self care and cosmetics items, pet accessories, sexual wellness items and any products that may be classified as dangerous goods purchased from SSENSE are subject only to the applicable warranties of their respective manufacturers if applicable. Warranties are provided by the manufacturers and not by SSENSE. Where permitted by law, SSENSE disclaims all warranties and conditions relating to any products sold or distributed by SSENSE, and will not be liable for failure to use any product in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Please consult the user manual or contact the manufacturer for any relevant warranty information.
Frequent Returns
The frequency of returns is monitored. If we believe that our return policy is being abused, by frequent returns or other means, we may take action in the form of blocking an account and/or cancelling future orders. SSENSE reserves the right to reject returns which do not comply with our Return Policy.